
3-day Workshop on Traumatic Bereavement and Complicated Mourning: Concepts and Interventions by Dr. Therese Rando

資料來源:Joyce Tsui (New SOHO New Life Association Chairlady 2009)

3-day Workshop on Traumatic Bereavement & Complicated Mourning: Concepts & Interventions by Dr. Therese Rando

Dear all,
You are cordially invited to attend a 3-day Workshop on Traumatic Bereavement as a Form of Complicated Mourning: Conceptual Issues and Intervention Strategies When Trauma and Loss Suddenly Collide by Dr. Therese Rando organized by Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong and sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Attached please find the pamphlet for your registration.

About the Workshop
This intensive, 3-day workshop investigates how the sudden, traumatic death of a loved one poses the mourner with challenging demands stemming from the volatile mixture of loss and trauma. The ensuing combination of grief and traumatic stress often severely disables coping, impairs functioning, and compromises adaptation. The dynamics found in sudden death from accident, disaster, suicide, homicide (including terrorism and war), and acute natural causes (from medical events such as heart attack or stroke, or from acute illness such as SARS or bacterial meningitis) typically lead to complicated mourning, which demands vastly different treatment approaches than if the death had been expected and natural. Drawing on cutting-edge information from the fields of clinical psychology, thanatology, and traumatology, Dr. Rando dissects the complex and often misunderstood experience of traumatic bereavement, and provides strategies and specific guidelines for effective clinical intervention.

About the Tutor
Dr. Rando is a clinical psychologist in Warwick, Rhode Island. She is the Clinical Director of The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Loss, which provides mental health services through psychotherapy, training, supervision, and consultation, and specializes in: loss and grief; traumatic stress; and the psychosocial care of persons with chronic, life-threatening, or terminal illness, and their loved ones. She also has provided expert witness testimony in legal proceedings involving illness or bereavement. Current professional foci include treatment of complicated mourning, loss of a child, the interface between posttraumatic stress and grief, anticipatory mourning, specialized intervention techniques in the treatment of traumatic bereavement, and the integration of EMDR into intervention with grief and mourning. She has published over 70 works pertaining to the clinical aspects of thanatology and has three upcoming books on treatment of traumatic bereavement.

Details of Course
Date: April 28, 29 & 30, 2009 (Tue-Thu)
Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 4, Faculty of Medicine Building,21 Sassoon Road, HK Fee: HK$1,500
For details and registration, please refer to: http://cbh.hku.hk/ or contact us at 2589-0512 or email us at bhealth@hku.hk

Best regards,
Centre on Behavioral Health
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